By Groutcha
United Kingdom
i have a grape vine which is full of grapes and every year gets bigger, how should i look after it to get the best out of it and stop it getting out of control?
3 Aug, 2010
You don't say how big or inside or outside. You can severely cut back a vine to a stump, as you see them in the vineyards in France. It will grow back again and produce grapes. All the current years growth should be taken back to the main trunk in November. It will sprout again next year. There are few plants you can treat as severly as a can be in control. Our vine is 30-40 feet long. It spends winter as a single supported growth as thick as your arm along the front of a canopy outdoors. We cut off the last 12 feet this spring as it wanted to go next door!!!
3 Aug, 2010