By Rogger
United Kingdom
I have a Cordyline Australis, but it doesn't seem to grow very much. This year, for the first time, it has produced about 3 inches of growth in the centre of the stem. Should I leave it, pull off the bottom fronds to encourage it to grow taller, feed it, or just give it a severe talking to? It is only about a foot tall now, if that and that is after five years!
19 May, 2016
is it in a pot ? AND WHERE ?
if yes probably needs a bigger pot and regular watering and feeding will help. You can take off the old leaves it will make the plant look a lot tidier.
And then give yourself a severe talking to for not looking after it properly !
19 May, 2016
It must be in a pot that's far too small for it. They otherwise grow fast, and after 5 years, it should be several feet high.
Either repot it into something much larger and give it a good feed, or put it in the ground.
20 May, 2016
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In a pot or in the ground? In sun or shade?
19 May, 2016