By Comgoddess
United States
Is this a weed or a tree?

19 May, 2016
Well it 'wasn't' a weed but it probably isn't going to live now...
19 May, 2016
It's definitely not rosemary and they're popping up all over in unwanted places so I'm not too concerned about whether or not it lives. :)
19 May, 2016
Looks rather like a heather, but they don't tend to pop up everywhere. Leave one t flower and put on another photo.
19 May, 2016
looks like a small pine/conifer to me. do you have any mature conifers near your garden?
welcome to GOY too.
20 May, 2016
I thought juniper.
20 May, 2016
My first thought was Rosemary. It looks just like it, but if it doesn't smell like Rosemary, it obviously isn't!
A weed is simply any plant that you don't want, by the way. In other words, if you don't want this plant, whatever it is, it's a weed.
20 May, 2016
It looks like some sort of pine sapling, we have a mature scots pine at work and often find saplings similar to that sprouting up all over the grounds
20 May, 2016
It looks like a Juniper seedling to me, too, Bulba. What part of the States do you garden in, Comgoddess? The State and elevation would give us an idea of which species it might be, and its ultimate size and form. I.e., Virginia Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) can become a medium-large tree, while Common Juniper (J. communis) is usually a low shrub.
21 May, 2016
Looks like a rosemary plant (the herb) but I'm not there to smell it to be sure...
19 May, 2016