By Scotsmanvic
United Kingdom
Hi I was wondering what seedlings these are! I've been trying seeds for the first time this year, Somehow I've gotten these mixed up :/ I know they are either Foxglove / Cornflower I've googled and they look alike to me I still cant tell the difference.

23 May, 2016
Does it matter? Just let them grow. You'll find out what they are soon enough.
23 May, 2016
That's what was putting me off Cammomile! I thought they would all end up like that as the grew, never thinking that it could have been a different plant / weed, Either one would be ok Rosie, but I was hoping for foxglove, I had both trays next to each other one has came to nothing and the OH moved them and I didn't have a clue which was which.
23 May, 2016
The thing is, if you let it grow until its clear what it is you will have learned for another time. I was puzzled by a persistent weed I had to clear out every year until I let one grow and discovered it was willowherb.
23 May, 2016
I'll try it stergram knowing my luck it will be a jaggy nettle lol
23 May, 2016
No it isn't!
23 May, 2016
the trouble with leaving it to grow in the plug with the foxglove seedlings is, it will grow faster and nick all the root room, starving out your foxglove seedlings , so prick it out in a separate pot if you really want to grow the weed on for ID purposes. Personally, I'd just get shot of it asap!
23 May, 2016
I repotted it today Bamboo thanks for the reply though always appreciated.
23 May, 2016
You're a hard woman Bamboo... it certainly does look like a cuckoo in the nest.
25 May, 2016
At first glance I thought the hairy ones are foxgloves but the shiny intruder looks like a fuchsia seedling to me. As has been said it will take more than its share of the goodness away from the others. Take a wooden toothpick and holding a leaf not the stem gently wiggle it from that pot then pot it on in a pot by itself. Eventually you will need to tease the other seedlings apart and pot them on too.
28 May, 2016
I have potted it up Gran. I find using a long thronged kitchen fork great for moving and transplanting seedling, and when potting up the seedlings slide nicely between the throngs and can be held in position while potting.
28 May, 2016
ooh, steragram! Not hard really, just realistic!
28 May, 2016
The little hairy leafed ones look to me like foxgloves but the large one is a weed, well I think it is!
23 May, 2016