By Viviendrewer
United Kingdom
Can you please tell me the name of this Palm tree growing in my gardening. Thank you.

25 May, 2016
Lovely plant.
25 May, 2016
Trachycarpus fortunei in flower. What a lovely sight. Hard to believe, but hardy in the UK, even up here in Scotland. But I bet they don't flower this far north. Please tell me if I'm wrong!
25 May, 2016
Sorry, can't help Karen, I've never grown 1 that far north, but when we had those 2 very cold winters, mine flowered a month early, so perhaps they will, Derek.
25 May, 2016
I agree with Karen, I have 2 of these in my garden
26 May, 2016
It looks like a Sabel Palm.
25 May, 2016