By Leckiep
United Kingdom
I have noticed a lot of small metallic green coloured beetles in my garden recently feeding on plant foliage. Does anyone know what they are and how to get rid of them? I stay in the NW of Scotland.
29 May, 2016
there are a few different types of shiny green beetles in the UK, I would guess at some sort of chafer beetle, but without a photo its pretty difficult.
29 May, 2016
If the plants affected are rosemary, lavender and some other herbs, it might be Rosemary beetle, info and image below
If they're on mint, then read this
If these are not the plants affected, then its something else, so no idea without more information.
29 May, 2016
The best way to get rid of beetles is remove the food source or use repellent.
29 May, 2016
Having said all that, I really love those little shiny green ones...
29 May, 2016
Previous question
Any chance of a photo? Alternatively, which plants have you seen them on?
29 May, 2016