The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Monmouthshire , United Kingdom

Have attached a photo of a beautiful fern ......could anyone identify it please?



Ferns can be difficult to identify - often you need to see the shape of the spores. If I had to guess I'd say one of the Dryopteris but could be wrong.

31 May, 2016


Yes - closeups of the front and back of a frond, whole plant photo (which you have) and a description of any scales on the stalk are all necessary for ID. As that fern is just unfurling, there probably won't be any spores, so you'd have to wait a couple of months as well.

31 May, 2016


Try googling images of:
"Dryopteris affinis Cristata the King"

31 May, 2016


I don't think this is a cristate form - looks more as though the fronds haven't quite finished unfurling. If you look at the ones near the base they have plain tips.

31 May, 2016

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