By Wildrose
Devon, United Kingdom
Please could you give me the botanical name of this shrub?
- 2 Jun, 2016
Hi, I think it could be Exochorda x macrantha 'the bride' by the layered appearance, Derek.
2 Jun, 2016
Also looks like Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii'.
2 Jun, 2016
Thank you all for your help with identification of this shrub.
I have looked up all your ideas and have found out that it is definitely Viburnum plicatum.
I should have taken a close up photo for you as well as this one.
Much appreciated.
2 Jun, 2016
Beautiful shrub, love mine
3 Jun, 2016
Previous question
« I have vetch on my lawn how can I get rid of it without damaging my lawn.
Well it might be Cornus alternifolia or one of the Spiraeas such as arguta, but not close enough to tell, really - need to see close up of flower/leaves, as well as this pic from a distance.
2 Jun, 2016