By Reedpond
United Kingdom
I have a lot of Forget me Nots that seed themselves around the garden. After flowering I pull them out and normally throw away. Can I put them in the compost bin without fear of the seeds spreading further plants when I put the compost around the garden in a year or so's time? I am guessing the longer I leave the heap to compost, the better. But would there be a minimum time to have them composting so that the seeds would not survive?
6 Jun, 2016
I love them and do exactly what you do, just pull out ones I don't want, but I wouldn't risk putting them on the compost heap if they were in flower, never mind gone to seed. They're not called forget me not for nothing;-)
6 Jun, 2016
So true, Bamboo!
We have 'posh' forget-me-nots here - Brunnera - and I love 'em. :)
6 Jun, 2016
I like Brunnera, specially those varieties with variegated leaves - also like Pulmonaria, but I still love forget me nots!
6 Jun, 2016
Many Thanks for your prompt answers Thank-you!
6 Jun, 2016
If they are in seed then, no do not put them on the heap. Unless you are very lucky (or exceptionally skilled at compost making) then the normal process does not get hot enough to kill the seeds.
We try never to even allow them to flower, they have never been put in the garden in 20 years and still they come up, all over the place.
6 Jun, 2016