South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
What is this lily? It was my grans and I managed to bring a piece of it when we sold her and my grandads house, can anybody identify it, it's different.. Any help would be great thanks!

6 Jun, 2016
Thankyou! :)
6 Jun, 2016
I wouldn't go for martagon (purple or white), Stera. It is one of the 'Turks Cap' (aka Tiger Lily) lilies certainly, but I am not sure which, there is a whole slew of them. I was going to say L. pyrenaicum until I got to the last picture, now I dont think so. But very nice, Dan.
6 Jun, 2016
Thankyou! It was my grandmas and since moving it it seems to have doubled its growth size. Must've been one or two bulbs with other things I'd taken as a few have popped up in other spots!!
6 Jun, 2016
I thought they were the same - Google seems to use both names in some references. Please can you tell me the difference Bulba?
6 Jun, 2016
All Martagon Lilies are 'Turks Cap' lilies, not a TC are Martagon's though...
6 Jun, 2016
Right.That sorts that one then!
6 Jun, 2016
A Martagon lily is Lilium martagon, a definite species (purple or white). These type of lilies are called Turks Cap lilies because of the shape of the flowers (they were tiger Lilies when I was a kid). There are many species, any many more named varietes, of Turks Cap lilies but if you search the web for the bulb suppliers you will see that a good number of them eroniously lump these as martagon.
6 Jun, 2016
Looking through the pictures again and comparing them with the Lilium pyrenaicum in our own garden, I would now say that this could well be L. pyrenaicum. It is a good 'do'er' and will form a nice large clump.
7 Jun, 2016
Yes it has began to form a decent clump! There's several others around the garden too that are on their own at the moment :) must've got mixed in with other stuff when planting
7 Jun, 2016
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« I've seen some beautiful pictures of Coreopsis online but cannot find them in...
It's a Martagon lily Dan.
6 Jun, 2016