By Lod0282
Hi, I was dividing my Calathea Rufibarba and noticed that the root stems had little nodules attached to them. As I'm not familiar with the root system of this plant, could someone please tell me if this is normal or problematic?
Cheers- Liz. (Lod0282)
Sorry no photos.
7 Jun, 2016
These nodules could also be caused by a type of nematode, aka, roundworm. If the plant has been looking healthy all the time you have had it there will be no problem.
7 Jun, 2016
often the roots swell to store carbohydrates so it could be this you are seeing.
7 Jun, 2016
Previous question
Some of the species do have nodules on the roots. If the plant is healthy then there is no problem. If you are worried then cut open one of these nodules. It should be solid flesh all the way through.
7 Jun, 2016