By Callie1914
United Kingdom
Hello everyone,could anyone please recommend a plant or shrub I could have in a pot in my hot porch.I did have a bay tree but the heat was too for it, so have put outside on the patio.Thank you for any help.
8 Jun, 2016
Thank you Tugbrethil,I did not know they could take 46 . The porch is only small and enclosed so the heat really builds up when in full sun.I will check the drainage, the watering is fine.
9 Jun, 2016
In that situation you might to better (shock horror) with an artificial one. Or how about a succulent? there are several that look like little trees that would be fine and I wish I could remember what they are called...
9 Jun, 2016
By enclosed, do you mean glassed in?
Also, if it isn't a true bay laurel, such as is used in cooking, but instead an English or Portuguese laurel, it might not be so heat tolerant.
10 Jun, 2016
Thank you Steragram and Tugbreithil,It is a bay you can cook with.The porch is glassed in.The succulent that looks like a small tree sounds good I will look them up
10 Jun, 2016
Well, if the succulent involved is an Aeonium or a Jade Plant (Crassula ovata), they have even less heat tolerance than Bay Laurel. An Elephant's Food (Portulacaria afra) has slightly more heat tolerance than the Bay, but it may still not be enough. Probably better to make sure that a window or two is open during hot weather, to let the hot air out.
13 Jun, 2016
Thank you tugbrethil, I will look those up,Cant open window, it is a porch with brick sides and two French doors opening out.Thank you all for your help.
13 Jun, 2016
Installing a temperature-triggered vent sounds like your best bet, then.
15 Jun, 2016
Thank you all so much for your help.
15 Jun, 2016
Wow, that's hot for the UK! True bay laurel takes 46ยบ C here, as long as it has afternoon shade. Are you sure that it isn't a watering or drainage problem?
9 Jun, 2016