By Johnr
United Kingdom
I have four standard fuschias that are over 20 years old. can anyone tell me why I am not getting many flowers on them now. over the past years I have had lots of Blue/pink flowers on the. I also have four standard fuschias with white flowers of the same age that are flowering beautifully. John R Sims
12 Jun, 2016
I presume they are in pots if they are standards have you renewed any of the compost I would knock them out of the pots and gently remove some compost and replace and do as Steragram suggests they do require lots of feeding.
13 Jun, 2016
Its still rather early but you could try watering them with high potash fertilizer.
I'd also take a few cuttings so you can replace them if they are just feeling old.
12 Jun, 2016