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United Kingdom
My choisya is an odd shape, lopsided as I have just taken out a forsythia which was growing beside it, if I prune it near to the base will it come back again, if not what is the best way to make it the nice dome shape again?
12 Jun, 2016
I did exactly as Bamboo has said; cut it down to the ground and it is now as big as it was before. I also lop off branches that spoil the shape. As regards extra watering and feeding, I must admit that I didn't do either. Must be very robust and certainly responds to heavy pruning.
13 Jun, 2016
Previous question
You can cut these right down and they'll regrow, and you should just about get away with it if you do it immediately, best not done after the longest day - best time would have been May but not later than halfway through June.... Give it some general purpose fertiliser once you've done it (Growmore will do) and keep it watered in dry spells.
12 Jun, 2016