By Jade3
Could I please have some advice. I have a very low growing, spreading weed which is taking over my garden. Have you any idea what the weed is please and any way I can get rid of it. I've raked it out and used weed killer on numerous occasions but it still comes back.

18 Jun, 2016
Could you dig a bit of this up, place it on a piece of white paper and take a closeup photo of it?
18 Jun, 2016
Its a persistent little soul called Mind your own business. Its resistant to lawn weedkillers but you can (carefully) use glyphosate if you still have any, bruising the leaves first. If you don't like that idea try salt or boiling water.
18 Jun, 2016
If that's what it's called, I'm going to get some to send to a select group of acquaintances of mine. Stera could you have meant Sorrel? I have never heard of soul in plant form and get no hits on it on the web other than soul of the spiritual kind.
18 Jun, 2016
The plant is called Mind your own business. Soleirolia soleirolii, it probably has no soul!
18 Jun, 2016
Thanks O. I love this plant. "Mind Your Own Business" is also known as " Peace In The Family". One cannot have one without the other:)
18 Jun, 2016
Jade, glad to have M y o B confirmed. Sorrel is completely different.
Loosestrife I found it on the web when I looked up a photo to confirm i was right.
18 Jun, 2016
I used to sell it as a ground cover, under the name "Baby's Tears".
19 Jun, 2016
Loosestrife - re. "persistent little soul" - it is just a type of expression we have.
It is usually used for people (e.g. "he was a merry old soul") but we also use it for other things when it seems to suit them.
I think it was possibly a polite way of saying a
" persistent little 'thing'...... "
21 Jun, 2016
i think its moss but someone on here will know
18 Jun, 2016