By Rattytatty
United Kingdom
Do you know what this bug is that's eating the roots my young aucuba plants please. They are pink and look like shrimps.

21 Jun, 2016
Beetle grubs of some kind? As Sbg says, a bit blurry to tell.
22 Jun, 2016
A clear photo would be useful. If you have a macro setting on your camera (indicated by a flower symbol), use it and try again.
22 Jun, 2016
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« Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with my rose bush The roses bloom but the...
Hi they are a bit blurry and therefore difficult to tell.
they look like amphipods such as gammarids but they tend to me aquatic species really. has the soil been waterlogged/suffered flooding from a river/stream?
welcome to GoY :o)
21 Jun, 2016