By Tonyl
United Kingdom
another poppy question,
a about a month ago i asked a question about this plant and was told it was some type of poppy. Now the last resident obviously loved poppies and they are starting to bloom.So far Ive 3 different varieties however this one just seems to be getting bigger and bigger without any signs that it will ever flower. could someone put my mind at rest that its actually is a poppy of some sort please as you can see its overwhelmed a couple of Allium

23 Jun, 2016
thanks Moon growe, whatever it was the tortoise loved it!!!
23 Jun, 2016
It looked like one of the opium poppies to me, Tony, so if your tortoise is still asleep......
23 Jun, 2016
It looks rather like the very large annual one in my garden, but they are in bud at present so perhaps it isn't. If it was mine and I had space i would wait and see if it flowers.
23 Jun, 2016
This thing has no sign whatsoever of flowering, and after my scientific tortoise test proves its not a poppy, Neddy sniffs the poppy leaves and turns his nose up, the leaves on this he puts his napkin on and gets stuck right in
23 Jun, 2016
I'd also say it's a poppy. Some of them grow really tall. I'd leave it in, might be beautiful.
23 Jun, 2016
well I know I shouldn`t have at this time of year but Ive dug it up and moved it to an empty spot. hopefully it`ll survive and I`ll find out what it is.
23 Jun, 2016
If it is a poppy it will have had a very long tap root...
24 Jun, 2016
.....and won't like being moved.
24 Jun, 2016
it didn`t have a tap root Moon growe
and Arbutnot its not happy at all today
24 Jun, 2016
Keep it well,but not, over watered and cross your fingers...
25 Jun, 2016
If it doesn't recover it was probably a poppy then. Never mind.
25 Jun, 2016
That doesn't look like a poppy to me and does look like a thug, I'd remove whatever it is.
23 Jun, 2016