By Gemzgg
United Kingdom
Hi there. We bought our first ever David Austin rose a few weeks ago, unfortunately there is no room in the garden for it yet so we put him in a large pot...a very large pot! Unfortunately the rose blooms seem to come and go in a matter of days. There is also a red spot on the roses and we've also noticed a thick large new red stem coming up. Need some advice please x

3 Jul, 2016
the red spots are damage from greenfly sucking sap when the bud was tight. they age red. it isn't really a problem.
3 Jul, 2016
Ah wow.. Fantastic thankyou. Yeah I thought I'd make the pot prettier through the summer as it's only a small rose atm. Can either or u shed any light on the whole roses not lasting two seconds bit.. It's very upsetting as the roses are so stunning x
3 Jul, 2016
I have this rose aswell. The rose is in the ground but the flowers seem top heavy and bend over but don't drop. They look like the label depicts. We've had plenty of rain so I don't think they are dry but in a pot even when it rains the canopy of the leaves doesn't allow enough rain to penetrate so maybe they need water every day.i also have tiny pink spots on hot outer leaves of some buds.
3 Jul, 2016
Oh really, how interesting. I do water well every evening along with the rest of my long do ur blooms last? They are strong for a couple of days and then after that, u touch them and they fall to pieces. ? Xx
3 Jul, 2016
This is normal, Gem. Rose flowers are generally short-lived. Just dead-head to encourage more blooms. :)
4 Jul, 2016
Individual blooms last for about a week up here ,probably because it's quite cool, but I'll check the timing. They open faster in the warmer weather. I read that under planting with lavender deters greenfly and aphids so I have put some in and they are just starting to flower and no greenfly yet!!!
4 Jul, 2016
Ah thanks so much you guys. This website is fantastic, and to think I've only just found you!! Yes I'm dead heading all the time and great tip on the lavender too. I spray with rose clear weekly so hopefully the dreaded diseases dont get it. Wish me luck. Xx
4 Jul, 2016
Ah they only last a week up north do they, we've had a very warm humid wet couple of months, don't think that helps things much mind xx
4 Jul, 2016
The red stem is just a new stem growing. It will go greener as it matures. Is that another plant in the pot too - looks a bit like a pelargonium, aka geranium? Roses are happier on their own.
3 Jul, 2016