By Loupylou
United Kingdom
Good day to you,
Can anyone recognize this plant ? I have had 7 come up under a large shrub, There are no leave on the plant just the stem, at the moment they are about 7" tall.

3 Jul, 2016
Good afternoon Bamboo, Thankyou very much for the info on the plant. I do not know how the plants got there, I have had this garden for 7 years and I know I never planted it. I shall be removing it as I have very young grandchildren and don't wont any 'accidents'. I really appreciate you replying to my message. Thankyou. I am not very good on the computer, so am not sure if I have put this message in the right place.
3 Jul, 2016
You have! The arums frequently pop up on their own and are often seen at the bottom of hedgerows, common ground and in gardens - wherever conditions are alright for them.
3 Jul, 2016
It's a very good idea to show your grandchildren what they look like and to tell them never to eat them or anything else in the garden without asking. You can't teach them young enough.
3 Jul, 2016
The berries will turn brilliant red if you leave them. If you have an old wire hanging basket or something similar you can invert it over the berries so the children can't reach them. But I agree, start teaching about what is and isn't OK as young as you can. I once took out a party of children who refused to eat blackberries because they had been told not to eat anything they found. Tragic.
3 Jul, 2016
I agree about showing the children them. tell them they must NOT eat them as they will get tummy ache. I taught both my girls all the berries in the garden and instilled in them to always show me what they found and then if they were safe to eat they got the berry as a reward for showing and asking. If it wasn't safe then they got grapes as a reward for checking. At one point I had woody nightshade and the single red berries are really gorgeous to look at. They checked first. positive reinforcement and a small cluster of grapes later they were all happy.
your plant grows from a corm. it will probably be the first year it has flowered so that is why you haven't noticed it before. it will be 2-4 inches down if you do plan to remove it.
Welcome to GoY too
3 Jul, 2016
Thankyou for all your replys, I appreciate all your inputs.
What a brilliant website. Have spent a couple of hours looking at it.
3 Jul, 2016
Its one of the Arums, either A. italicum or A. maculatum - it would have had large arrow shaped leaves either marked with whitish spots or dashes, or plain green. Berries are toxic if eaten, but so unpleasant in the mouth most people/creatures spit them out before swallowing - more info and image below
3 Jul, 2016