By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Olearia phlogopappa 'Comber's Pink'
Will this shoot from old wood? Or is it like say Lavender and only grows from fresh growth?
4 Jul, 2016
I ask because there is a lot of stem with no shoots on it at the base of the plant and all the growth is at the top.
4 Jul, 2016
Hi, I think if it were mine, I'd take a chance, and cut it back, if it looks a bit of a mess at the moment, you have nothing to lose, Derek.
4 Jul, 2016
I could lose the whole plant if it does not reshoot from old wood. Never managed to get cuttings to root and grow on either.
4 Jul, 2016
Could you cut just one or two of the stems and see if they shoot before risking the lot?
4 Jul, 2016
Owdb - try a PM to spritzhenry as I think she grows this shrub
4 Jul, 2016
Hi, I haven't grown this species, but most species tolerate hard pruning, and break easily from old wood, maybe someone who has grown it will be able to give you a better answer, Derek.
4 Jul, 2016