By Crowsnest
United Kingdom
I planted a new czar plum tree at the end of April, it was doing brilliantly. But over the last 1/2 the leaves have yellowed and gone brown. Can anyone help me?
Photo 1 is a close up of the leaf
Photo 2 is the tree yesterday
Photo 3 is the tree about 4 weeks ago.

4 Jul, 2016
Also make sure that it hasn't been planted to deeply--the topmost roots should be just barely underground.
5 Jul, 2016
Also its planted very near to that Cotinus which can get pretty big. They could well be in competition with one another as they get bigger.
5 Jul, 2016
What rootstock is it on?- if its Pixy, there should be at least a foot of bare soil at the base with nothing else growing in it so as not to deprive the tree of nutrients and water.
4 Jul, 2016