By Johnwedlock
United Kingdom
I have recently planted a nepeta pursuant blue shrub which has attracted a huge amount of attention from the local cats in so much they have reduced it to its roots by rubbing up against it and indeed nibbling at it.i have built a frame around it but even that hasn't deterred the cats from attacking it
5 Jul, 2016
Cats love cat mint!
5 Jul, 2016
These are such pretty flowering plants it is worth protecting them until they reach a size that can survive cats.
I wish I had thought of using the wire baskets I already have but I made dome covers of chicken wire after I had grown them in pots for the first year. Glad I did as they are now pretty large plants that survive our cats attention.
5 Jul, 2016
I use a wire hanging basket too.The plant grows through it so you can't see it in the summer but the cats can't damage the middle!
5 Jul, 2016
This has made me laugh. Why grow cat mint if you don't want a visit from all the cats in the neighbourhood? They adore it. I admit it is quite pretty but there are loads of blue flowered plants you could grow.
6 Jul, 2016
Hi Cammomile not only do I grow them because they look and smell good but also for my cat to play in and eat, I found I had to protect it till it got to a size so it can survive the cats antics and look pretty. I also find it benefits from the Chelsea chop this month although my cat makes sure I do not over do it lol
6 Jul, 2016
Our cats are odd. They totally ignore all the Catmints we have unless I am pruning one back.
6 Jul, 2016
I was surprised to discover (by planting some) that there are some varieties that they don't like at all, so anyone who wants catmint and not cat could investigate this.
6 Jul, 2016
I can only assume that you were unaware of Nepeta's common name...!
Cat mint is attractive to many cats. The marijuana of the cat world! Not all cats love it, though, as one of mine (sadly long gone) was totally indifferent to it.
6 Jul, 2016
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We ended up putting a wire hanging basket upside down over one of our Catmints. That way it at least got to grow a little before the cats ate it off.
5 Jul, 2016