By Johnpease
United Kingdom
I have 3 Annabelle hydrangeas which are about 3ft high but not showing any signs of budding.What is wrong.
8 Jul, 2016
Hi John. Hydrangeas are late-summer flowerers, and lots of plants are flowering later than normal this year. Just give them time. :)
9 Jul, 2016
My Annabel are a bit later than the others but are in full bud. I think if there is no sign of buds now they are going to wait until next year. But if they are fairly newly planted (ie last year or this spring)there's most likely nothing wrong at all - just putting their energy into making a good root system. But I would like Rosierose to be right all the same...
9 Jul, 2016
did you prune them low this year? that may be the problem. I don't prune mine, just cut off the soent flowers in the spring. Mine are only just showing the first signs of buds this week. I'm in east Yorkshire so it might just be they are being slow.
9 Jul, 2016
I prune Annabel hard and it still flowers unlike the mopheads. Trouble is the flowers are so huge and heavy that the stems tend to bend over with the weight.
If you prune lightly does this solve the problem? I don't want mine to get huge, but it would be nice to know!
9 Jul, 2016
Are they young plants? They are usually taller than that before they flower.
8 Jul, 2016