By Pdb
United Kingdom
Could someone identity this herbaceous plant. It grows to about 4 ft. I planted it some while ago and can't remember what it's called. Thank you

10 Jul, 2016
That was my first thought too,Sbg,except for the foliage..
10 Jul, 2016
Achillea like flowers for sure. Cannot find the name, but we have it or one similar from Bob Brown. And a right thug it is too.
Possibly Tanacetum macrophyllum.
10 Jul, 2016
Many thanks Owdboggy. It is the very same. Yes I agree it can be a thug.
I have some that have self seeded and will be digging them up. One thing for sure is that the bees love it so don't want to take it out of the garden altogether.
10 Jul, 2016
the flowers look like a form of achillea but the foliage doesn't really look right for that.
10 Jul, 2016