By Larryj
I have a Cyprus Tree which is about fifty feet high. This year it is showing signs of dying off. The spines are turning brown on the inner branches, and whilst the outer spines are still green the whole tree seems to be thinning.
Any ideas?
Do you know of an expert who can advise, not one of the so called 'surgeons' whose answer always seems to be to 'cut it down'
17 Jul, 2016
If it has to come down, it has to come down. Once conifers start to turn brown, there's generally no way to stop the decline.
17 Jul, 2016
If this is a Leylandii, their pretty short lived, and 50 ft. tall is pretty much max for them.
18 Jul, 2016
What kind of Cypress tree is it and your approximate location would help. If it is the USA it could be the hot dry climate we have been experiencing. If you do have to cut it down that Cypress wood is gold to a woodworkers eyes and you stand to profit from the sale of that wood. OOPS! You used the word "whilst", so you are from the UK I have now surmised.
17 Jul, 2016