By Smonks12345
South yorkshire, United Kingdom
This house plant the flower as faded can you please tell me what to do does it flower again
- 17 Jul, 2016
It usually takes about two years for the babies of that type of bromeliad (Guzmania hybrid) to bloom. Larger kinds may take three.
If you get a good clump of babies going in a broad, shallow pot, you might get flowers every year, as they get out of synch.
18 Jul, 2016
Previous question
« Can some one please tell me what plant this is and when it flowers
It's a Bromeliad. They sometimes die after flowering but usually they produce baby plants which you can grow on. Beware, you could be overwhelmed with them, like my sister did a few years ago. Google bromeliads and you can see what care they need.
17 Jul, 2016