By Thorneyside
United Kingdom
Could these daylilies be from seeds or plants?
I seem to be finding these every few days now. I don't know if they're growing from pieces left behind when the daylilies were dug up or if they could have seeded themselves.
I'm getting quite good at spotting them in the grass now but found lots when the top 6ins of soil was moved a few months ago.

20 Jul, 2016
I find them all of the time if I wasn't careful digging the old ones out.Those look like they are big enough to come from an old one.
But... the main requirement for daylily seed to germinate is a 3 week chilling at refrigerator temperatures; then moisture. Daylily seeds will germinate in the fridge as long as they have moisture. People will plant seeds in the fall and let nature do its thing. So it is possible for you to get them.
20 Jul, 2016
Thanks Moon growe and Wylie.
They were growing in bone dry, hard baked soil so no moisture there so probably not seed then. Since the collection went last year I've dug up lots, so this year I have lots of pots of green leaves. Hoping for something better next year.
21 Jul, 2016
Most likely pieces of root left behind when they were dug up.
20 Jul, 2016