By Thorneyside
United Kingdom
Does anyone have a name for this please?
Another plant I found growing in a pot. It smells beautiful. It's about six feet tall and as it is now setting seed they are like small dandelion seeds. I've looked in all my books but can't find it anywhere. Help!

21 Jul, 2016
It's Common Valerian, I think (Valeriana officinalis).
21 Jul, 2016
Thanks for the help all.
Having looked up both suggestions, Valerian, garden heliotrope it is Landgirl100. I have only ever seen the smaller, common pink Valeriana rubra, or white ones from roadsides.
21 Jul, 2016
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Looks like a poor specimen of Queen Ann's Lace if the focus of your question was the flowering plant in the photo.
21 Jul, 2016