By Twitchy
I have potatoes in grow bags on a balcony that are ready for harvesting. I don't want to have them all at once and someone told me I can cut off the tops and dig out the amount I need. Will this work? If so do I water them as normal. Alternatively is there another way to be able to take just the amount I need. This is my first go at growing them and don't have a clue but do prefer to cook them straight from the soil. Many Thanks. Sandra Cavill
23 Jul, 2016
When digging from the ground you can cut the tops off and dig the potatoes later so it should work in a bag too. You will need to continue watering when there are still growing leaves but no need after the tops are gone.
23 Jul, 2016
Hi, we grow in huge green ex_garden waste bags and just feel around for however many we want for a meal, and they're always super fresh, have just finished the Charlotte bag after about a month, onto the King Edwards next! My first earlies always take 12 to 15 weeks in summer.I do lop off the growth to keep the plants looking tidy! Only after flowering tho.
27 Jul, 2016
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Do you mean like a potato 'grab bag'? That sounds messy & awkward. If stored in a cool, dark, dry place, they will store well for several months. Use the bruised ones first.
23 Jul, 2016