By Freddie12
United Kingdom
This is my 1st time at grwing Melons they are coming on lovely but any help on how to support them pictures would be good as I have tried and not been succesful many thanks this is my 1st post

6 Aug, 2010
Hey many thanks for the quick comment very exciting lol well people do say they are hard to grow but i have managed 7 I hope they do ripen, had my 1st Peach today was yummy
6 Aug, 2010
In this situation, I would get some 4 or 5 cm thick wooden stakes, drive them in the ground near the melon, and drive a nail partway into them 10-15 cm above the melon. Wrap a cloth (recycled undershirt?) sling around the melon. Put a half hitch in the ends at the height of the nail, hook that over the nail, and tie it with a square knot on the other side of the stake. Be sure to leave enough room in the sling to allow the melon to expand!
Oh, and congratulations on your peach! Growing them yourself just triples the enjoyment!
6 Aug, 2010
Wow! so detailed many many thanks for the info, Husband is at home today so hopefully between us we will master it will post a pic when completed
7 Aug, 2010
Usually, when space is short for melons, I tell people to put up a strong trellis before planting, and sling the young melons from that. When you don't have melons, the trellis can be used for peas, beans cucumbers, some squash, and even indeterminate tomatoes.
7 Aug, 2010
Many thanks for all your lovely comments and for the hints on supporting them I have today with the help of my husband managed to support them I wil post pics tomorrow very basic but seems to have worked lol
7 Aug, 2010
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Hi I cant help you but just wanted to say they look fab ! Well Done ... Are melons easy to grow? Hope you enjoy eating them when theyre lovely and ripe ! lol
6 Aug, 2010