By Johnjoe
Can someone please help me identify the discolour on the leaves on my tomato plants.
The two leaves on the left are from Black Russian Tomato plant & the one on the right is from a Cherry Tomato plant. I would be most grateful if you can help

29 Jul, 2016
Thank you Tugbrethil for answering my question.
I keep the tomatoes in a 9ins pot in a green house, My compost was 1ts of fish blood & bone mixed with multi purpose compost that was about 4 weeks ago. Last week I sprayed Epson salt. I also open a small window near the plants as it was so warm, would you think that is the problem.
29 Jul, 2016
Discoloration like that would require exposure to nights of less than 17º C, and days less than 20º, for at least a week. Has the weather been that chilly, there? If so, I think that I am envious! :)
29 Jul, 2016
The weather is not to bad, about 16c to 20c outside & 22c to 27c in the greenhouse day time & 10c to 12c at night time.
30 Jul, 2016
Good day temps, but kind of chilly at night. If closing the window at night doesn't help, try keeping translucent gallon (ish) jugs of water near the plants to re-radiate heat at night.
Still envious, its been 41º during the day, and 33º at night here, and the thought of having to wear a sweater seems good, now. I'll probably be whinging this winter, though! :)
30 Jul, 2016
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« Help please this is my mystery plant ,I didn't buy it I don't know where...
Unless they have been exposed to unusual cold, lately, it might be phospate deficiency.
29 Jul, 2016