By Daisybelle
United Kingdom
Is anyone growing either honeysuckle 'copper beauty', or honeysuckle 'sentsation'? I am replanting one of my borders and would like to grow either of these at the back on an easterly facing 6ft fence. Have you pictures of either in their growing position as I have only seen them at the garden centre? Any planting advice would also be welcome.
5 Aug, 2016
We grow Copper Beauty and love it. However, I wouldn't recommend it for a 6ft fence! It grows extremely fast and gets absolutely enormous (about 10 metres high, ie. 33 feet).
To see them growing in gardens, simply do an internet search - masses of photos out there.
6 Aug, 2016
Thank you Loosestrife. I looked at your blog and the honeysuckle looks lovely on the fence. Unfortunatley, I think it would be too much for my small garden and looks like it would very soon overtake the space. I'll have to get my thinking cap on again!
7 Aug, 2016
Oh Rosierose, I'll really have to think again about Copper Beauty. At 33ft it would cover my garden in no time! Thank you so much for helping me NOT to make a big mistake. :)
7 Aug, 2016
Go to my blog posted June 30, 2016 title " a drones eye view of the garden. The first picture you will see is Sentsation planted in the back of my garden on a easterly facing fence. A few photos later you will see photos of its massive flowering and it truly lives up to its name Sentsation. I planted this behind the fence to shade the plant as it emerges from the soil (like one does when planting clematis) and then brought it though to the front and the honeysuckle knew what to do after that as you will see in the photos.
5 Aug, 2016