By Janpled
United Kingdom
Brown slugs everywhere. I have lived in my house for over 40 years and for most of that time I have had the normal black slugs that I could keep control of with different methods. Over the last 5 years these have been replaced by a slightly larger brown slug which are not so easy to control. Has anyone else had the same problem and if so what has been your most useful repellant as these have been causing more damage.
6 Aug, 2016
Depends what you're prepared to use - I find the metaldehyde pellets work well on all slugs.
6 Aug, 2016
And just remember that the large brown slugs are only a different colour form of the big black ones and they eat other slugs.
6 Aug, 2016
Buy some chickens they love them!
9 Aug, 2016
Seatoncarew - Can you just pop over and tell my chickens that they LOVE slugs? If I take any down to them, they stand and look at them but won't eat them!
I popped out late one night with a torch, bucket of salt water and disposable gloves and picked up at least 100 from all over the grass, you couldn't put a foot down between them! I've only done it once so far, it's like one of those nightmare movies!
9 Aug, 2016
Must be the wrong variety of slug! If someone comes up with a definitive solution to this problem they will finish up very wealthy. Good luck in your crusade.
9 Aug, 2016
Our hens would only eat slugs if we squashed the slugs first.
9 Aug, 2016
Previous question
Nemasys Slug Control. Expensive but effective.
This year has been particularly bad due to the very mild winter and wet conditions. Some reports claim that their numbers have doubled as a result.
6 Aug, 2016