By Mozza58
United Kingdom
hi, I have a plant which as come up and is a long stem about 4ft tall and has buds on the top which are opening to reveal yellow flowers which look like carnations do you know what it could be ?
8 Aug, 2016
Now without a photo, I'm afraid.
9 Aug, 2016
Just had an idea - could it have come through from next door? If so it might just be a Kerria japonica. Just google it and see it it is.
PS just noticed that the question below this one is about kerria - what a coincidence - that's weird.
9 Aug, 2016
could be a double daisy type helenium/helianthus but we do need a photo.
10 Aug, 2016
There are a large number of yellow flowered plants about at this time of year, so any answer wouldn't be an answer it'd just be a guess or a stab in the dark - please post a photo.
8 Aug, 2016