By Sandra
Having recently injured my back I have been looking at these seats with wheels. Has any one tried them ? There not cheep and I don't want to waste money so would aprisiate any input..thanks

8 Aug, 2016
hi sandra by the look of it i think you would struggle with it the wheels are fixed for a straight line only but trying to get around corners you would make your back worse than what it is and if you think about it how are you going to do any work sat on that if i was you i would save your money and not bother it is up to you though maybe for an abled bodied person but not some one with back problems which i think would make it worse.good luck.
8 Aug, 2016
Looking at I agree - how the heck can you manoeuvre the damned thing! Sorry you have injured your back Sandra - is there anything else you can use to help like a TENS unit?
8 Aug, 2016
Looking at that I can't help thinking that a wheelchair would be more useful or is taht out of the question for you?
8 Aug, 2016
Oh and how do you propel the thing?
8 Aug, 2016
I have been using an old office chair with wheels. I find it easier to sit and weed rather than bend. I don't scoot along on it just get up and roll it along a bit instead of lifting anything. The seat swivels so it makes it easier to make a pile behind me without much twisting. But my chair has silly small wheels which are fine on the patio..these wheels would work better on the grass.
8 Aug, 2016
Sandra, have you read the reviews on this product? I just read some and folk are saying it would be better if the wheels turned, rather than just rolling backwards and forwards and is quite heavy going on grass.
9 Aug, 2016
Does not appear to have a brake so it will move if you push against anything.
9 Aug, 2016
A brake would be good .bulbaholic...
Steering would be good too Shirley.t.
I have found loads with steering but they are in America!
Thanks for the input...more research needed...
9 Aug, 2016
Hi Sandra - I hurt my back quite badly some time ago and it has taken a couple of years to get better - during that time I found that gardening on all fours/on my knees on a pad was the best option for me. Would that suit your back? The seat with wheels initially looks great, but as per the previous comments, it has no brake and no steering, and trying to turn a corner with that would only injure your back further. Do you know anyone who might be able to adapt your old office chair with slightly bigger wheels? Nina
10 Aug, 2016
Is this the one you have seen in USA? Does look good ...
You could add the item to your basket (you use your ID and password to access the USA site) and see how much the postage is!
10 Aug, 2016
Hand and Knees work well for me too Ninap and I already have an office chair which helps loads and a few kneeling mats. I run a small nursery so I would use it a lot....I would love the American one but with postage it's double the price... Think I will go for thebritish version. Thanks for your input hope your back is better ...?
11 Aug, 2016
And you Sandra - I hope you get better soon - and have a windfall so you can get the USA version! Nina
11 Aug, 2016
If it is sciatica Sandra you should go and see a chiropractitioner, they manipulate the bones and muscles and the pain soon disappears and acupuncture could help also. I have had sciatica on and off for years, but find stretches and keeping flexible helps greatly. The only time now that it troubles me is if I go off level one leg down a hole etc. and that puts my back out badly. I would not go with wheels as you will stiffen up, you need to keep mobile and do as much as you can.
12 Aug, 2016
After four weeks I am mobile again!! Still sore but getting better each day. I did send for this and it's amazing! I am not scooting around the garden on it that's not what it is designed for. But yesterday a sat on it and cut back a hedge and weeded underneath it inching forward and soon got it done. Today I did my first couple of hours back in the nursery weeding and feeding shrubs, this seat made the whole process pain free. Thanks for your input.x
16 Aug, 2016
Never seen one before, how are you meant to use?
8 Aug, 2016