By Hank
United Kingdom
A friend has got a very tall tree called cedar atlantica glauca ( blue cedar). It must be 60-70 ft tall.l
This year, for the first time ever the areas over the tops of the branches in the upper regions ( best I could do !) are turning brown and he wonders if it's dying.
Does anyone have any ideas ( whether it's dying or whether he can do anything about it.)
10 Aug, 2016
Don't know about this tree specifically but what you describe sounds like a fungal infection familiar to pine trees called "tip blight". It's in it's early stages with your tree and it will be very difficult to prune off the affected portions at 60 ft. The fungal spores will be in any needles and cones that fall off and accumulate at the base of the tree. You can probably save it but it will need an arborist with a cherry picker to do what needs to be done.
11 Aug, 2016
Thanks for the replies. Oh dear, he loved that tree and everyone admired it.
11 Aug, 2016
Previous question
Sadly yes, sounds like it's dying
11 Aug, 2016