By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Shrub/Tree ID's please. The quality of the pictures taken today isnt great as I was in the car. These are in our village and I am very interested to know what they are.
The first looks like a type of blue spruce.
The second is a large bushy shrub, around 15 foot tall, looks evergreen and the flowers are huge, around 5 inches dia.
The third is like a cornus, has variegated leaves and berries, not a Sambucus I dont think. Has has great leaf colour in autumn.
Thank you.

20 Aug, 2016
Thank you Camomile. I didn't realise there were magnolias that flowered so late in the year. The flowers are very impressive.
20 Aug, 2016
I think the conifer in the first picture is likely to be Abies procera glauca. Agree with ID for second picture, but I'm afraid the last photo is too blurry - like you've taken it from a moving car, lol!
20 Aug, 2016
I thought the middle one was a gardenia.
20 Aug, 2016
Hi Bamboo, I will look up Abies procera glauca, thank you. Yes, the car was moving the tree is situated on a bend so we couldnt stop. I've posted another blurry picture onto another question.
Hi Stera, I will look at Gardenia too.
20 Aug, 2016
Not outdoors in Leicestershire its not, Steragram... in America, yea, but not here. Its magnolia as Cammomile said
20 Aug, 2016
Definitely magnolia grandiflora - mine is currently flowering.
20 Aug, 2016
It looks like an Atlas Cedar to me. But I don't know much.
20 Aug, 2016
My vote is with Abies also, for the first picture--Cedars have needles in rosettes, Spruce cones hang down, while Fir cones stand up. Could the last shrub be a Melianthus? The middle picture is more likely to be a Magnolia virginiana, rather than M. grandiflora--or, maybe a hybrid.
21 Aug, 2016
First picture: Definitely some kind of Abies.
Second picture: Most likely a Magnolia virginiana.
Third picture: Maybe a Melianthus?
21 Aug, 2016
Thanks Andrew, do you recommend this magnolia? Does it flower each year reliably.
I will look at Atlas. Thank you Tug.
I'm going for a walk to get a better photo this afternoon of no3.
21 Aug, 2016
Oh dear, sorry I got it wrong. I checked before replying and found a picture of a gardenia that looked pretty well identical. I thought Crown Jewel would survive in a sheltered spot.
21 Aug, 2016
Sorry about the doubling up. I posted the first comment, then later returned to that page, and didn't see my post, so I thought, "What?? Did I forget to actually post it?", so I repeated. Oops!
21 Aug, 2016
Stera: you have to be extra careful with Google images these days - the web is now chock full of plants growing in America, even if you put in UK in the search, and a moment's inattention means its easy to slip up...
21 Aug, 2016
No worries Stera.
I do that all the time Tugbrethil, glad its just not me.
21 Aug, 2016
Not sure about the first and can't see the third but the middle one is a Magnolia Grandiflora which is late summer/Autumn flowering and has dinner plate sized flowers and grows very tall.
20 Aug, 2016