By Rogi
hallo all. a friend of mine was given this plant....she say it smells terrible...can anybody identify it please. thanks for any answers.

26 Aug, 2016
Other people have mentioned the smell from this, but I have never noticed it on any of the ones I grow.
26 Aug, 2016
The common name is Pineapple Lily. This flower boils off a disulfide compound which gives an aroma akin to rotten eggs or meat in order to attract its main pollinator....flies. The aroma is at its most potent on newly opened flowers.
26 Aug, 2016
Certainly gets pollinated here, and self seeds all round the pots where it is grown. Fortunately they do not survive the winters
26 Aug, 2016
thanks for all the answers
26 Aug, 2016
I'm assuming you don't mean the white ones. The other looks like Eucomis, the pineapple plant, the me. I've grown it but never got down to sniff it.
26 Aug, 2016