By Telme8
Vale of Glamorgan,
I have had Kaffa Lilies for some years not very successful, I have moved them a few times and now suddenly they have exploded and giving me great pleasure. Probably because my garden was such heavy clay and after 20 years now it is getting to a workable soil with all I have added to it. Can anyone advise me, after flowering can I cut them back in the spring as there will be spring flowers coming up very near to them and obviously they will get a better view!!!!! without the tatty leaves of the Kaffa!
28 Aug, 2016
Hello seaburngirl,I have been a long time absent, my kaffa lilies the red ones have now adjusted to my soil and doing wonderfully well. I love them in those later months when the color is getting scares, they are so brilliant. I just came on line to aske advice for my grand daughter who now lives in Lincoln so wanted some reassurance to my advice!!!
11 Jun, 2017
well either way its lovely to hear from you.
Hope your daughter is happy in Lincoln and you are keeping well.
several years ago you sent me 4 Hesperis plantlets and this year I had to dig a 30m x 2m border as for 3 years I forgot to dead head them. I became over run with them. however I have kept 5 nice plants that I will watch and collect the odd seed. ;o)
11 Jun, 2017
well hello long time no see :o)
I find the foliage never dies down in my garden but yes you can cut the larger spent leaves.
which one[s] have you got? I have several pinks and a couple of reds.
28 Aug, 2016