By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Salvia identification please?
The calyx is almost black. the flowers are about the size of a 5p piece.
Black or red velvet have been suggested.
Thank you

30 Aug, 2016
At first glance, it looks like a hybrid of Salvia greggii, but a 17 mm wide flower sounds a bit big for that group.
31 Aug, 2016
Salvia "Hot Lips" I have it in my garden, it changes colour and gets some white on it too, mine flowered all through the winter & is quite big now.
I'm going to put a pic of mine in "Add a Photo for you to see :o))
Jackie x
PS. If you can't find it I will put it in Gardening Questions if you like :o))
31 Aug, 2016
Its too big for hot lips and this is always pure deep red, the red in the photo is a bit pale but thanks for the suggestion.
31 Aug, 2016
Might it be S. Jezebel?
31 Aug, 2016
I was thinking S. 'Maraschino', but 'Jezebel is a distinct possibility, too.
1 Sep, 2016
Maybe? Salvia microphylla x Heatwave, found it on......
Worth looking at the site :o))
1 Sep, 2016
'Heatwave Blaze' does seem the most likely to me, now.
1 Sep, 2016
Thank you for the suggestions.
the person who I got the plant from originally gave me another option of Royal Bumble. They are all so similar aren't they.
2 Sep, 2016
True, but few have that orange-scarlet--most stay on the purplish side of red.
3 Sep, 2016
Sadly the orange tinge is the effect of the photo. It is a uniform deepish red.
3 Sep, 2016
More likely 'Jezebel', then. 'Maraschino' has larger, more quilted leaves than that.
3 Sep, 2016
Previous question
« any suggestion what this annual is? possible a mallow but which? don't even...
sorry image is on its side. it isn't on my camera/computer!
30 Aug, 2016