United Kingdom
Hi I'm looking to get ahead and repair my lawn. I've already scarified and applied moss killer rescarified and now applied weedol to the whole lawn. How long should I wait til I seed my lawn? I've heard 8 weeks - this would mean I seed mid October - is this still ok and when do I fertilise? If I decide to turf is the wait still the same length? A lot of questions but I really appreciate someone's help. Thankyou.
31 Aug, 2016
There's a Weedol for killing lawn weeds Sbg- I used it a few weeks ago.
Do you mean returfing the whole lawn or trying to patch it with turf? I think that might prove difficult - getting the levels the same would not be easy and as the turf would probably be different varieties of grass the result might be patchy.
Whether October is too late to seed depends very much on the weather. You could give it a go and reseed in April if it hasn't worked.You can fertilize turf as soon as its down if you want to but leave newly seeded grass until next year now. Fertilizing too late in the season will produce lush growth that's more susceptible to frost damage.
31 Aug, 2016
Thankyou steragram. I will probably go with the reseed to be honest. I'll try that first. Would it be best to wait til october and give the lawn weedol 8 weeks before I reseed or am I being over cautious? I've read a few websites and it varies from 2 weeks to 8 ( as bizarrly weedol don't have good instructions). Have you had experience of this yourself?
Thankyou for your help
31 Aug, 2016
It's lawn weedol Seaburngirl. I did go back and recheck the bottle tho just in case ?
31 Aug, 2016
No I haven't ever reseeded patches as we don't have dogs and the kids played elsewhere. In your position I would ring their help line 01483 410210 or use the contact details on google.. I know you can't use the mowings as mulch for six months after using Weedol but I would guess that it doesn't affect the soil because the grass keeps on growing. But as I said, whether an October sowing would be successful depends so much on the weather.
1 Sep, 2016
thank heaven for that :o) I have only thought of weedol as a broad spectrum weedkiller.
the lawn is OH domain so I have no idea what he does.
2 Sep, 2016
It says Weedol lawn weedkiller on the packet but its in less noticeable writing.
2 Sep, 2016
Hi Steragram and Seaburngirl
Thankyou for your replies. I've just got through to the helpline ( Thankyou Steragram) which has since changed to 01276401300.
The lady their was very helpful and explained that after I have applied weedol lawn weed killer - it would be 8 weeks before I could start to reseed the lawn.
If I was to feed the lawn however this can be done the following day.
So potentially I could look to reseed mid October now.
Does anyone out their know if October is OK to seed or is it too late? Even if some of it takes it would help towards next year maybe?
9 Sep, 2016
Who knows what the weather will be like? I think mid October would be pushing it a bit but you've nothing to lose but a bag of grass seed...the birds will enjoy it if nothing else!
9 Sep, 2016
So are you killing the previous lawn and going back to bare soil?
weedol will kill the grass.
31 Aug, 2016