By Bytheby
United Kingdom
I have bought an Azalea called Ageeth, according to the label on the plant. The picture on the label shows the flower as bright red. I have looked on the internet, but can find no reference to this plant at all. I have planted it in a large pot in the garden. Since then I have wondered if I should have planted it in ericaceous compost, although the label on the plant made no reference to this. Could someone advise me on this matter
31 Aug, 2016
Many thanks for your advice, I will definitely follow your suggestion. Have a good day.
31 Aug, 2016
Lots of info about on web take a look at
31 Aug, 2016
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They are usually happier in ericaceous compost. but as its in a pot you can give it azalea feed to keep it happy. just follow the guidance on the box.
31 Aug, 2016