By Waddy
United Kingdom
I have Sawfly caterpillars on three of my rose bushes and they have caused a lot of damage. Please can anyone tell me how to get rid of them and how to prevent an infestation next year?
On plant
3 Sep, 2016
Thanks, although I would have prefered not to use chemicals...lets hope I can spot the little blighters next year before they do too much damage.
3 Sep, 2016
I had the same problem on one of my roses too. I picked off those caterpillars I saw and hope that's the end of it for this year. I wonder if it was the weather conditions because I haven't had this problem before.
4 Sep, 2016
Me neither Arbuthnot. I'm hoping I don't get it again either...fingers crossed for next year.
4 Sep, 2016
I did spray some of the leaves with a bug killer too but didn't want to overdo it when the blooms were open.
4 Sep, 2016
So I understand.
4 Sep, 2016
You can't really permanently prevent this problem - information and treatment advice here
3 Sep, 2016