By Preece57
United Kingdom
I have a front garden that is very water logged in the winter I want to plant some sort of plants I would be grateful if you could suggest any. I also have an African marigold I planted in an oblong planter it is growing brilliant but I can not see any flowers budding I planted it in July I am not a garden expert I am just learning ! lol
7 Sep, 2016
If you can't do anything about the waterlogging, then containers might be the way forward? Does the site dry out completely in summer or does is stay pleasantly moist most of the time?
7 Sep, 2016
Look for plants that grow by the banks of streams -
Water Iris, Water Mint etc. Sedge would soak it up, I have plenty of plants if you want some, usually throw them out.
8 Sep, 2016
Previous question
« I have a 3m x 2m patch of border overrun with scutch grass and 'mares tail'...
July is a bit late to plant an African marigold - best planted out in early June. You might get some flowers if the weather holds before the plant gets killed by winter, though, fingers crossed.
As for your front garden, there's a problem - some plants don't mind being in very wet soil all the time, and others don't like it at all, so the trouble is, finding plants that don't mind being waterlogged (probably in winter?) and dryish the rest of the time is next to impossible. Is there any remedial work you can do to prevent waterlogging in winter?
7 Sep, 2016