By Rcbeacons
United Kingdom
I grew about 50 lovely tete a tetes in John Innis compost in two plastic troughs. Will they over winter there OK, or should I remove, dry and store them for a good return next spring?
7 Sep, 2016
Should overwinter fine they are fully hardy.
7 Sep, 2016
If you let the foliage die down naturally rather than cutting it off after flowering they should be fine. After flowering is a good time to feed the bulbs up for the following year.
7 Sep, 2016
Thanks everyone. My first experience of this website. I must admit I did cut back the foliage on the tete-a-tetes after a few weeks, but hope did them no harm! I'll top up the troughs with home-grown compost from my wormery.
How about runner beans? I grow them in similar troughs, in John Innis. Nice crop this year. Can I use the same used compost again next year or should I replace it with fresh?
9 Sep, 2016
I would use fresh compost for the beans. if you have a normal garden border then add the used compost on the beds to help the soil structure.
if you cut the leaves back on the daffs you will get leaves but perhaps few flowers this year. after flowering or if no flowers feed the plants with a typical liquid feed until the leaves turn yellow and pull off easily next year.
9 Sep, 2016
I've usually just left them making sure the compost is topped up to replace any settlement.
7 Sep, 2016