By Kasugga
Tyne & Wear,
United Kingdom
You must all think I do nothing on this site except ask questions.
Honestly, no I don't. Lol
But I do have another one.
I was given a lovely Begonia and I noticed this morning that there are two different types of flowers on it, one that looks double with a white rim, and one single with no white rim but with something behind the petals which puts me in mind of a seed pod.
Why two types of flowers and why the triangle thing??

12 Sep, 2016
Hi they can indeed produce seed but the new plants may be slightly different to the original plant. like our children are different to us.
the triangular pod is forming seed but unless you want to try growing them into new plants I would just cut it off so the plant uses its energy to make other flowers before the frosts.
as bamboo says cant ask too many nor stupid questions on this site.
12 Sep, 2016
Thanks for the info. As the begonia is tuberous I think I'll not let it continue with the seed pods.
23 Sep, 2016
Tuberous begonias, which is what you've got there, produce two types of flowers - the larger, showy one is the male flower, and the smaller one is female - the female one has an ovary and if its fertilised will produce seed - but they don't usually produce seed. I'm not sure but they may be sterile, even though separate flowers are still present, Seaburngirl, another member, might know that.
As for asking 'too many' questions, I don't think that's possible! That's why this section of the site exists, to ask about and pass on information, so you needn't feel bothered about it.
12 Sep, 2016