By Izene5
United Kingdom
My tree fern seems to have produced a fruit, any ideas why, what it is??

12 Sep, 2016
could it be an apple from a neighbouring tree. but as bamboo says they don't produce fruits, just spores.
12 Sep, 2016
Thanks bamboo and seaburngirl for your answers. I thought as much but it just seems strange as cannot see any similar fruit around the garden.
12 Sep, 2016
Have you tried picking it off? I would, and cut it in half to see what it is.
12 Sep, 2016
Nope, Snoop, can't be - the growing point is always at the top of the trunk, never lower down.
13 Sep, 2016
Tree ferns don't flower and fruit as such, they produce spores like ordinary ferns do for reproductive purposes. The 'trunk' is simply a mass of roots, and cannot produce fruit, so whatever that is, either someone's put it there for fun, or its got a problem.
12 Sep, 2016