By Ranger47
Have had to remove conifer as roots were damaging a wall. Need replacement - shrub, evergreen, small root system, not more than 10 feet in height. Hope you can help, please. Roger.
Asked from the GoYpedia
evergreen shrubs page
13 Sep, 2016
A 2 foot high garden wall. In full sun for most of the day. Sorry cannot supply photograph.
14 Sep, 2016
How close to the wall? If the conifer damaged it, then a shrub is likely to too.
15 Sep, 2016
Wall is about 1 foot away but we would plant shrub about 3 feet away and not let it get higher than 6 to 8 feet. If it causes problems my wife wants me to remove the wall and put up a picket fence!
15 Sep, 2016
Most shrubs will get quite wide eventually so if your border is quite narrow you'll need one you can clip. I wonder if Lonicera nitida would suit you. There is a gold leaved one and Bamboo said a few days ago that there is now a lemon one as well.The plain green is dark and rather dull. But all three will grow to the height you want and are amenable to hard clipping
15 Sep, 2016
Very many thanks for your help and advice.
16 Sep, 2016
Was it house wall or a garden wall? Is it in sun or shade? Could you put on a photo of the site please?
13 Sep, 2016