By Davej593
United Kingdom
I have a 6 foot boundary plastic fence 1 metre from a kitchen window. It is a fully shaded area. I am thinking of using planting pockets to liven up the view from the window. The only positive is that it is a bungalow so some light is available if not direct sunlight. Do you think I will be wasting time and money on my proposed project

13 Sep, 2016
I think that it will be difficult to walk along the pathway as you will have to dodge the pots if they are on the ground and there would be too little light. The alternative is, if the fence is yours, then you could try with some bedding, i.e. winter pansies or prims if you buy some narrow or half-moon baskets and erect them to sit almost level with the top of the fence.
13 Sep, 2016
Perhaps this is a bit silly but would there be room for a narrow window box on the windowsill, and then put a smallish garden mirror opposite on the fence to reflect it?
13 Sep, 2016
Thanks for all answers. Was thinking of using new type fibre pockets hanging from top of fence which is mine . Have irrigation installed to garden which can easily be extended.
14 Sep, 2016
our neighbour uses the pouches and they look lovely. in the summer he has begonia and busy lizzies.
14 Sep, 2016
Hi seaburn girl does your neighbour use them in a shaded area?
14 Sep, 2016
yes in a similar situation to this so go for it :o)
welcome to GoY too by the way :o)
15 Sep, 2016
Yes, go for it! Pockets planted up with evergreen shade-lovers would look particularly fabulous. I've seen it done with a variety of evergreen ferns and nothing else, and it looked stunning - fresh and luscious. But you could add other plants in summer, such as begonias. They come in a variety of colours and are perfectly happy in shade. :)
15 Sep, 2016
as long as you chose shade tolerant plants then it will add a splash of colour to your fences.
13 Sep, 2016