By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
What is your worst weed?
I used to think bindweed followed closely by creeping sow-thistle. But no! there is another one to take up the reins.
Enchanter's nightshade [Circaea lutetiana] is a pretty little woodlander that creeps with lots of white underground rhizomes.
So what is your nemesis?
On plant
Circaea lutetiana

13 Sep, 2016
Herb Robert and Shining Cranesbill - they pop up everywhere!
13 Sep, 2016
Willowherb this year. Previous years hairy bitter cress and goosegrass - just about won that battle for now! I have herb Robert too but only in the bottom of the hedge and as its pretty I leave it alone. I don't really mind Enchanters nightshade too much as it pulls up so easily.- just wish it wasn't established underneath a ceanothus where its hard to get to.
13 Sep, 2016
I've got some Enchanter's nightshade. It came in the roots of another plant from a friend's garden, but it isn't a nuisance.
Hairy Bittercress and Willowherb are quite rampant this year.
Also grass ! I hate grass ... it belongs in a field, not in my garden :(
I don't mind Herb Robert - it's pretty, and so is Scarlet Pimpernel. I leave those alone.
13 Sep, 2016
I would have to say Creeping Buttercup which is symptomatic of the heavy soil and poor drainage I have here.
13 Sep, 2016
Horsetail - which came up all over my back garden and in the greenhouse between the pavings on the floor.
But I'm winning at last and only see maximum 2 in the mornings and no more during the day.
13 Sep, 2016
Prostrate knotweed has invaded our brick block driveway. I've been waiting for a calm day to spray weedkiller. It's as tough as old boots.
13 Sep, 2016
Nutsedge, here, closely followed by Bermudagrass. Bindweed would probably be higher on the list, if it were more common, here.
14 Sep, 2016
For me it's bindweed. It came from my neighbour's garden either under/over the wall and probably seeds too. Sometimes I don't spot it till it's climbed up something so a couple of months ago I went for the weedkiller option.
14 Sep, 2016
ah so we all have our pests. Keep an eye on it Hywel, I didn't think it was a problem but it is taking over.
I also get creeping buttercup but at least that pulls up cleanly.
Luckily I have never had horsetails but the grounds at work have it badly.
14 Sep, 2016
Ground elder seems to be the one I find hardest to control.
Mind you, whenever I see it I have to chuckle. Before we moved in, 15 years ago, a woman round the corner pinched a couple of shrubs from the front garden and got ground elder with it.
Thing was, she had the cheek to moan at me about it.
14 Sep, 2016
Creeping buttercup and dandelions in lawn.
14 Sep, 2016
LOL Poisongardener - I bet that made you chuckle! What a nerve!
I have creeping buttercup in the lawn too - forgot that one.
And this year catsear in the lawn too.
14 Sep, 2016
Ground elder for me. It is everywhere in my garden. I tried to control it many times, but was a waste of time and effort.
14 Sep, 2016
Hank...what did you do to attack the horsetail please? Could do with some tips.
14 Sep, 2016
Ivy, flipping taking over, keep pulling it up, wish I could find something to kill it?
15 Sep, 2016
I got rid of ground elder by double digging and sieving the soil removing all the 'pips'. I didn't plant in the bed for a full year so I could see any rogue pieces. It was a large bed too [20m x 2 m]
I hope she has it for years to come Poisongardener , what a cheek!
I have a smallish problem with ivy too but that at least doesn't spread underground.
15 Sep, 2016
The brambles that worm their way under, over and through our fence from next-door's badly-neglected garden...
15 Sep, 2016
I have the same sort of problem, Rosie. Ivy pushing through and under the fence from the neglected plots - note the plural - on two out of three sides. On one side I'm adjoined by two uncared for plots. They can't be called gardens.
If I'd have seen them before we bought this house I would probably have looked elsewhere but with a six foot high fence it was impossible to look over.
Ho hum, that's life, I suppose.
15 Sep, 2016
Feel for you, Arbuthnot. We get ivy coming through too, but the brambles are the biggest problem. The neighbour is not nice, and became a zillion times worse after he was forced to take down the 4ft-high, 27ft-long deck he built along our boundary fence, along with the 6ft 6in featheredge fence he put on top of it (yes, really!). He promised to 'make our lives hell' if he was forced to take it all down, and he's certainly done and is still doing so (but that's another story).
15 Sep, 2016
Ground elder for me definitely! Just can't get rid of it, especially when it's in amongst other plants, like my beautiful nerines. A constant battle.
15 Sep, 2016
I lifted all the plants and carefully cleaned every root stock, planting the plants up into pots for safe keeping.
That is awful Rosierose :o(
15 Sep, 2016
It's so very unpleasant when you have bad neighbours. Fortunately we've never experienced any of those bad ones, just people who won't keep their gardens relatively tidy. I don't expect everyone to want flowers etc but cutting the lawn, keeping the boundaries weed free and checking that trees don't get too big are, in my book, a necessity and a consideration for those living nearby.
Still, there's nothing we can do about them except grin (no, I mean groan!) and bear it.
16 Sep, 2016
Right now, I'm trying to control poison ivy going rampant. It literally fights back.
13 Sep, 2016